Selectors: Scratch Famous, Queen Majesty, Selector JD and Mr.K
When: Thursday 8 January 2015 10pm - 4am
Where: The Delancey (
168 Delancey St, New York)
Admission: Free
Subway: Delancey St (F)
Special Guest: Joseph Demension
For the past 5 years Joseph Demension, one of the wickedest and youngest selectors in NYC has been dying to come play with us and we have been dying to have him come out! Well, he finally turned 21 and to celebrate we are welcoming this reggaematic prodigy to make his debut at DOWNTOWN TOP RANKING alongside Deadly Dragon Sound selectors Scratch Famous, Mr. K, JD and Queen Majesty.
$5 Red Stripes and $5 Rum Specials from 10pm to midnite!