
U Roy.

U Roy -- All praises to the man U Roy. He is the originator of what we have come to think of as a Dee Jay. Although not the first to "chat" upon the Mic, U Roy took the intro and chat styles of the earliest sound system DJs, and transformed them with his style and lyrical gift into songs in of themselves. With U Roy leading the way in the 1970s, DJs went from being pitchmen for the singers, to their equals and beyond. With hundreds of tunes to his credit and still active touring career, U Roy has remained an inspiration and a fixture in reggae music -- the true bridge between the past and future of the music we all love.

Daddy U Roy @ E2 Recordings Studio in April 2009.
Photo courtesy of Mr. K

U Roy Selection!!

U Roy - Jah Jah Call You (Ujama) 7"

U Roy - The Hudson Affair (Rebind) 7"

U Roy - Chalice in The Palace (TR Groove Master) 7"