
Event Report : Road To 横浜レゲエ際 ~ Saturday 16 July 2011!

Greetings Deadly Dragon Massive! Marr Hakase in a di place!


Last weekend in Yokohama was Mighty Crown’s “Road to Reggae Sai,” a battle for a slot in one of the biggest one-day reggae festivals in the world. This year’s billing features Shabba Ranks and Cocoa Tea, as well as a slew of Japan’s finest reggae/dancehall/hip hop performers such as Fire Ball, Papa B, Pushim, Shingo Nishinari, and many, many more. Road to Reggae Sai is one way Mighty Crown helps grow the local reggae scene by bringing in younger up-and-coming artists into the big event.

先週横浜でのマイティークラウンの「Road to Reggae祭」を見てきたんで報告させていただきます。今年の横浜レゲエ祭はShabbaCocoa Teaが様々な日本人のビッグアーティストと一緒に出るのでRoad toは新人アーティストにとって全国レベルでボスする大きなチャンスです。こういう形で次の世代の日本人アーティストを育つマイティーに尊敬最大!

To sum it up, I’d be surprised to find a comparable battle of dancehall MC talent on the rise in the US, if not anywhere else on the planet besides Jamaica. There were three groups of 5 acts with the winner of each group clashing in the final round. Here are three winners that made it to the final round.


Here, dancehall crew Shōrentai bring energy in numbers and comical lyrics to mash up group A.


Next, G2, winner of Group B, counteracts a Shōrentai tune.

次はグループBを勝利した G2が笑連隊をカウンターアクション

Here, J-Rexx brings high energy, speed rapping, wicked lyrics, and flying karate-kicks to win group C and eventually take the trophy.


Although all finalists were well deserving, I was pulling for singjay Mison B out of Osaka, who has the full package of lyrics, style, voice, and soul. She flexed her vocal skills to finish up the first round, but as you can see from the clips of the finalists, it was pure energy that ruled the evening.

決勝戦まで進んだアーティストは全員良かったけどやっぱ個人的に応援してたのは大阪のシングジェイMison B! 彼女のリリック、スタイル、声、ソウルの組み合わせは最高だな〜ファストラウンドで声の力で攻撃したけどやっぱり今回のイベントではエネルギーが勝負でした。

As Mison B continues to put out big chune after big chune, in the near future she’ll surely be on the Yokahama Reggae Sai bill without having to go through “Road to…”

Mison Bはこれからもいつも通りビッグチューンのリリースが続くとそのうちRoad toを通さないで横浜レゲエ祭にでるじゃないかと思います。期待しています!

Big up Mison B! Ya Bod!!!


Finally, not all is rosy with the winner of “Road to…” Here, J-Rexxx endures a flurry of victory tequila shots and a dō-age at the bar.

最後にRoad toの優勝者にとってすべてがバラ色じゃない。ここでJ-Rexxxがテキーラーの嵐に巻き込まれて胴上げもされて大変そうだった和!


Nuff thanks to Sami-T for the hook up.
Nuff thanks to 3443.